Being a random collection of signs I find curious for one reason or another.

Monday 8 February 2016

Consider the fish!

I liked this one because of the fish.
One might argue that the fish is a bit awkwardly positioned (don't dump fish? drains to fish?), but basically it's just cute.

Boston, MA, Feb. 03, 2016

Drive slow(ly)

Drive Slow - hyper people likely to jump around? Folk dancers practising routines? Desparate lovers proposing in the streets?
The possibilities of the ideas behind this agile little guy are endless. :D

(Oh, and of course there's this little voice inside screaming "drive slowLY!" ;) :D )

Boston, MA, Feb. 03, 2016

What if someone judges the distance wrong?

no smoking sign
I like smoking bans. I like being nowhere near someone smoking. But I've never seen that kind of smoking ban. How are you supposed to know how far is far enough? What if you're caught at 24 feet distance?

Providence, RI, Jan 30, 2016

In case you didn't know...

A little reminder of how traffic lights work. On most of the lights in Providence and Boston.
Not that it helped: everyone was crossing on red all the time.

Providence, RI, Jan. 30, 2016

Monday 2 February 2015

Beer Mission Accomplished

While we here are proud of the fiercely local nature of our beer - only beer brewed within the city limits of Cologne may legally be called "Kölsch" within the EU - we also tend to feel a certain amount of missionary enthusiasm to share the blessings of the local accomplishments with the rest of the world. So I was thrilled and proud to see that this small US brewery had undertaken to make a beer like our Kölsch. And pretty good it was, too - but that can be said of all the beers we tried at this fabulous little place. :D

Cape Ann, Massachusetts, May 2013.

If you're not from a Baseball-playing country...

No worries, we're all tossing really hard here...
(I did go and google the perfectly innocuous actual meaning of the sign, btw.)

This bit of potential for embarrassment found near a pitch next to the Breakheart Reservation parking lot, Massachusetts, May 2013

Sunday 1 February 2015


Just a very cute (love the happy, tongue-lolling, tail-wagging dog!) sign with a nice pun for extra fun. Seen in Breakheart Reservation near Boston, Massachusetts, May 2013.